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Fearful? Do It Anyway! Five Compelling Reasons to Do a Mammogram

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Many women shy away from doing a mammogram, not because they don’t care about their health, but because they fear that they might discover they have breast cancer.

Perhaps you take comfort in the adage, ‘What you don’t know won’t hurt you’, but avoiding a mammogram won’t change reality. In fact, what you don’t know could cost you your life.

Annual mammograms, along with monthly self-examinations, allow you to track any changes in your breasts and catch issues early.

The Jamaica Cancer Society (JCS) advises that all women are at risk of breast cancer, especially if you’re over the age of 50, have a family history of breast cancer, had your first child after age 30, or have never had children and obese.

Here are five compelling reasons to face your fear and take charge:

  1. Early Detection can save your Life
    According to the JCS, a mammogram can detect lumps two years before they can be felt- even a lump the size of a pinhead! Spotting breast cancer early is like giving yourself a massive head start. Schedule an annual mammogram, especially if you are 40 or older. Early detection means a better chance of full recovery.
  2. Peace of Mind is Priceless
    That fear of the unknown is far worse than the actual screening. A mammogram reduces anxiety by giving you answers. Either you will walk away with peace of mind, or you will catch something that needs attention fast. Knowing is better than worrying.
  3. It’s Brief and Manageable
    Have you heard that a mammogram is uncomfortable? Here’s the truth, it will be over before you know it. A slight squeeze today is worth many tomorrows, right? The benefits of a mammogram far outweigh the momentary discomfort. Newer technology also makes the process more comfortable than ever before.
  4. Support is Available
    You don’t have to go through it alone. Bring a loved one along, schedule your appointment with a relative or friend, or talk with other women who have done it, and you will find courage to do it. There is no shame in being scared, but there is power in facing the fear together.
  5. Prevention is Better than Cure
    Being proactive puts you in control of your health and gives you the best chance of staying well.

Fear is natural, but don’t let it control your decisions. A mammogram is not something to dread, it just helps you take care of yourself.

Take Action Today:

  • Schedule your annual mammogram.  Contact the JCS at 876-927-4265 or visit them at 16 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston
  • Perform regular breast self-examinations (at any age)
  • Encourage other women to get screened

When you prioritise your health, you protect yourself and guess what?  You also inspire the women around you to do the same.

Click for more about the Power of Pink

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JN Group
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