Smart Ways to Keep Your Data Safe


    Jamaica’s new Data Protection Act, which came into effect on December 1, 2023, is intended to regulate how your personal data are handled by public and private entities, whether that data is in physical or electronic form. Your personal data includes information such as your address, date of birth, medical history, account information, biometric information, among other unique information about you.

    The Data Protection Act is intended to protect your rights and guide how data controllers process your personal data.

    However, even without the law, there are common practices you can employ to protect personal data.

    1. Limit your information online. Don’t put out more than you have to and if you don’t feel comfortable providing it, you probably shouldn’t.
    1. Scrutinise who you intend to give your information to before doing so. Sometimes a quick browser search can tell you if someone is legitimate, reputable or fake. Examine their details before handing over your information.
    1. Abide by a Clear Desk Policy. Avoid putting passwords or other critical data on sticky notes on your desks. Keep your workstation clear and lock computer screens when not around them.
    1. Don’t leave critical information in shared or open spaces. When in the office do not leave critical information in places, such as the work printers, where other people visit. At home, do not leave your passwords or other valued data laying around for visitors to see. Keep your information in a secured environment, away from prying eyes.
    1. Check to see if your email address is associated with any breaches. Dwayne Brown, cybersecurity executive at the JN Group recommends that you visit the website and enter your email address to see if it has been compromised. If it’s found to be connected to any ‘dark web’ activity, you should take steps to close that account and start a new one.
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