Claudine Allen

    Member Ombudsman

    Claudine Allen was appointed Executive for the Enterprise Contact Centre and Member Ombudsman for the Jamaica National Building Society (JNBS)  in January 2015.   With the restructuring of the Society and the launch of JN Bank on February 1, 2017, she was appointed Executive – Member Relations and Quality Assurance for The Jamaica National Group.

    How well are we serving you?

    Share your Experience or, ask for the Member Ombudsman’s intervention

    Your JN Member Ombudsman is the customer champion for the Jamaica National Group. She advocates for issues that preserve mutuality and unleash the potential of JN members. The Ombudsman also promotes the adoption of business practices that ensure delightful service and adds value to membership.

    The Ombudsman facilitates dialogue with JN members about matters which impact their relationship with the entities within The Jamaica National Group and investigates complaints in order to achieve impartial resolution.

    Complaints Handling

    If you are not satisfied with the complaints resolution or service received from an entity within the JN Group, you can appeal for the Ombudsman’s intervention by submitting your complaint using this online form, or by writing to:

    The Member Ombudsman

    The Jamaica National Group Limited
    2-4 Constant Spring Road
    Kingston 10


    Tel: (876)-936-0262

    Be sure to include the following information:

    • A summary of the incident to include, date and place of occurrence
    • Employees with whom you have discussed the matter
    • Response or resolution provided by the entity
    • Your contact information

    On receipt of your submission, the Ombudsman will contact you to discuss how the matter will be addressed. She will then liaise with the entity against which the complaint is levied to achieve the equitable and impartial resolution of the issue and ensure there is no detriment to you because you complained.

    You can submit your complaint online by clicking here.
    Complaints submitted to the Ombudsman will be resolved within 10 business days.